
I have a question and I beg you to answer it! I want to hear from you but please stick to the question at hand.

According to you: Are babies born from Divine Intervention or are they born from the sins of man?

My take: If they are born from Divine Intervention then ALL babies are purposeful, thought of, and are not an accident, made by their Creator. If they are born from the sins of man then they are ALL consequences, ripple effects of the cause and effect of sin and can therefore be categorized as accidents or unwanted troubles which we keep dealing with from generation to generation.

So which one?

October 15th- Finding loss and believing in hope

"Pregnancy and infant loss awareness day"

“Pregnancy and infant loss awareness day”

October 15th, today is the day when the world recognizes the loss of infants and babies to death, too soon (“pregnancy and infant loss awareness day”). Of course as mothers, we recognize that loss every day. I am one of those as I know many very close to me are as well. If you have had a miscarriage, a still born baby, or a baby that only had a short moment on this earth, let me tell you, you are not alone! You are not alone and they are not alone. God is holding you and your babies in His arms, in the grip of His grace and He won’t let go. I have the hope that I will see my baby again because I have hope in a God who has promised me I will.

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.

I am sorry for your loss, pain, and for many of you empty arms, but if there is any smidgen of hope to be had, put it in the Creator who hasn’t forgotten or overlooked you or your baby, knowing you will be reunited once again, with your faith in Him. You are and always will be a mother whether you miscarried a child 6 weeks along or 6 days old. I do believe life begins at conception!

“….and to think, the first thing he saw when his little eyes opened was the face of Jesus.“- Author unknown